
Service Partnership Plan

SERVICE Partnership Plan for INTCIS WEB CMS Website and Mobile App


INTCIS WEB CMS Website and Mobile App provides a comprehensive SERVICE Partnership Plan that ensures continuous support, updates, and improvements for your website and mobile app. With our dedicated services, you can keep your digital presence effective, secure, and up-to-date.

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Continuous Content Updates

Regular Content Updates

We regularly update the content of your website and mobile app, including text, images, videos, and documents, to keep your congregation informed and engaged.

Seasonal and Event-Based Content

We manage content updates for special events, seasonal themes, and church activities to ensure timely and relevant information is always available.

Content Review and Editing

We review and edit existing content to maintain accuracy and relevance.


Video and Multimedia Management

Video Uploads and Streaming

We handle the uploading and streaming sermon videos, event recordings, and other multimedia content.

Media Optimization

We optimize videos and multimedia files to ensure fast loading and smooth playback.

Multimedia Archiving

We create and manage an archive of past multimedia content for easy access and reference.

Customization and OS Optimization

Website Customization

We offer ongoing customization to adapt your website's layout, design, and functionality to meet evolving needs.

OS Optimization

We ensure your website and mobile app are optimized for different operating systems, providing seamless performance across all devices.

User Interface Enhancements

We continuously enhance the user interface to improve user experience and accessibility.


Integration with Other Apps


Seamless Integration:We integrate your website with other applications and services to enhance functionality and user experience, including:

Payment Gateways: Securely process online donations and payments.

Member Portal: Provide exclusive access to content for registered members.

Email Marketing Tools: Manage and automate your email communications.

Social Media Platforms: Enable easy content sharing and enhance social media engagement.

Event Management Systems: Synchronize event scheduling and notifications.

Learning Management Systems (LMS): Integrate online courses and educational resources.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Manage interactions and relationships with congregation members.

Third-Party Plugins and Services: Integrate various third-party plugins and services to extend functionality.

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Mobile App Updates

Feature Enhancements

We continuously improve your mobile app with new features and functionalities based on user feedback and technological advancements.

Regular Updates

We release regular updates to keep your mobile app running smoothly and securely.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

We promptly address bugs or issues to ensure optimal app performance.


Multi-Cloud Integration

Scalable Cloud Solutions

We integrate your website and app with leading cloud providers, such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, for enhanced scalability and performance.

Robust Infrastructure

We ensure a robust and reliable infrastructure that supports high availability and quick load times. Security and Compliance.

Cost Optimization

We optimize cloud resources to ensure cost-effective scaling and performance.


Security and Compliance

Advanced Security Measures

We implement and maintain advanced security protocols to protect your website and app from threats.

Regular Security Audits

We conduct regular security audits and apply necessary patches and updates to maintain compliance with data protection regulations.

Data Encryption

We use data encryption to protect sensitive information during transmission and storage.


Integration with Other Apps


Seamless Integration:We integrate your website with other applications and services to enhance functionality and user experience, including:

Payment Gateways: Securely process online donations and payments.

Member Portal: Provide exclusive access to content for registered members.

Email Marketing Tools: Manage and automate your email communications.

Social Media Platforms: Enable easy content sharing and enhance social media engagement.

Event Management Systems: Synchronize event scheduling and notifications.

Learning Management Systems (LMS): Integrate online courses and educational resources.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Manage interactions and relationships with congregation members.

Third-Party Plugins and Services: Integrate various third-party plugins and services to extend functionality.

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Support and Maintenance

24/7 Support

We provide round-the-clock support to address any issues or queries promptly.

Maintenance Services

We offer comprehensive maintenance services, including regular backups, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting.

Proactive Monitoring

We proactively monitor your website and app to identify and address potential issues before they impact users.


Digital Marketing Optimization

SEO Services

We continually optimize your website for search engines to improve visibility and attract more visitors.

Content Marketing

We assist in creating and promoting engaging content to drive traffic and enhance engagement.

Social Media Integration

We integrate your website with social media platforms to expand your reach and engage with a broader audience.


Analytics and Reporting

Performance Monitoring

We continuously monitor your website's performance and provide detailed analytics reports.

Actionable Insights

We offer insights and recommendations based on analytics data to help you make informed decisions and improve your digital strategy.

Custom Reports

We generate custom reports tailored to your specific needs and goals.


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Integration with Other Apps


Seamless Integration:We integrate your website with other applications and services to enhance functionality and user experience, including:

Payment Gateways: Securely process online donations and payments.

Member Portal: Provide exclusive access to content for registered members.

Email Marketing Tools: Manage and automate your email communications.

Social Media Platforms: Enable easy content sharing and enhance social media engagement.

Event Management Systems: Synchronize event scheduling and notifications.

Learning Management Systems (LMS): Integrate online courses and educational resources.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Manage interactions and relationships with congregation members.

Third-Party Plugins and Services: Integrate various third-party plugins and services to extend functionality.

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Multi-Cloud Automation Services


Multi-cloud environments are necessary for flexibility, scalability, and redundancy. At OS Assistance, we specialize in automating your multi-cloud infrastructure, empowering your organization with seamless cloud management and efficient resource utilization.

Cloud Agnostic Automation

Our experts possess in-depth knowledge of various cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and others. We design automation solutions that work seamlessly across multiple clouds, allowing you to migrate, deploy, and manage applications without vendor lock-in.

Orchestration and Scalability

We help you implement powerful orchestration tools that enable automated scaling based on demand. Whether it's Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or other container orchestration solutions, we ensure smooth and efficient resource management.


Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Embrace the principles of IaC with our support. We use tools like Terraform and CloudFormation to define your cloud infrastructure in code, making it version-controlled, repeatable, and reproducible.

Automated Backup and Disaster Recovery

We establish automated backup and disaster recovery processes to ensure data redundancy and business continuity. Our system protects your critical data, enabling swift recovery in any disruption.


Monitoring and Auto-Remediation

Our automation solutions encompass proactive monitoring and auto-remediation scripts, ensuring continual cloud environment optimization and swift resolution of potential issues.

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Empowering you to create, automate, and integrate your solutions effortlessly. With a focus on automation, multi-cloud capabilities, DevOps practices, and seamless integration

Automate with Ease, Multi-Cloud Support, DevOps Integration, Comprehensive Monitoring and Analytics, Security at the Core, Scalability and Flexibility, Expert Support


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Benefits of Multi-Cloud Automation

Flexibility and Agility

Automation in multi-cloud environments allows you to dynamically scale resources, adjust configurations, and adopt new technologies swiftly, responding to changing business needs.

Reduced Management Complexity

Our automation services make managing diverse cloud environments effortless. You can centralize control and ensure consistent policies across all cloud providers.

Cost Optimization

Automated scaling and resource management help optimize costs by utilizing resources efficiently, avoiding unnecessary expenses.


Improved Security

Our automation solutions incorporate best practices, ensuring your multi-cloud environment is fortified against potential threats.

Faster Time-to-Market

Automation streamlines deployment processes, reducing the time and effort required to roll out applications and services, giving you a competitive edge.

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How it Works


We start by understanding your development needs and objectives. Our experts work closely with you to tailor the service to your requirements.

Deployment and Configuration

Once we clearly understand your project, we deploy and configure the Linux environment according to your preferences, ensuring optimal performance and security.

Automation and DevOps Integration

We implement automation and DevOps practices into your development workflow, empowering your team to work efficiently and collaboratively.


Monitoring and Optimization

Our monitoring tools monitor your applications and infrastructure, allowing us to optimize performance and respond proactively to potential issues.

Continuous Improvement

We believe in continuous improvement. We regularly review the service's performance and seek your feedback to ensure we provide the best possible service.